Welcome to explore our gunrooms to find your new rifle!
Our skilled gun salesmen will help you to put togehter a complete hunting rifle to match your needs. Most models can be tested at our shooting-cinema, scopes and attachments are mounted on site and zeroing the rifle in our tunnels are always included in the service when buying a rifle, scope or silencer from us. When you leave the shop with your new huntingrifle you can go directly to your huntinggrounds!
We keep a stock of all interesting rifles at the market, but there is no doubt that the majority of our riflestock is Blasers. If these interest you this is the place to visit. We have both news and older models, new and second-hand, right- or left handed. And there is always more coming in both new and second-hand as we do trade-ins.

R8 Syntet & Kolfiber:
Blaser R8 Ultimate
Blaser R8 Ultimate Leather
Blaser R8 Ultimate Silence
Blaser R8X Professional
Blaser R8 Professional
Blaser R8 Professional Success
Blaser R8 Success Leather (i 5 olika färgkombinationer)
Blaser R8 Ruthenium Success Leather
Blaser R8 Succes Stutzen
Blaser R8 Success Carbon Leather
Blaser R8 Success Carbon Silence
R8 trämodeller:
Blaser R8 Standard (G2)
Blaser R8 Standard Silence (G4)
Blaser R8 Luxus (G4, G6, G8)
Blaser R8 Black Edition (G6)
Blaser R8 Attaché (G7)
Blaser R8 Ruthenium (G8)
Blaser R8 Stradivari (G10)
Blaser R8 Success (G4, G7)
Blaser R8 Success Silence (G4, G7)
Blaser R8 Kilombero (G7)
Blaser R8 Selous (G7)
Blaser K95 Ultimate
Blaser K95 Ultimate Leather
Blaser K95 Ultimate Carbon
Blaser K95 Standard Black (G3, G7, G8)
Blaser K95 Luxus (G4)
Blaser K95 New Luxus (G4)
Blaser K95 Black Edition (G6)
Hagelgevär F3 & F16:
F16 Game (G4, G7)
F16 Sporting
F16 Grand Luxe (G6)
F16 Heritage (G8)
F3 Vantage
F3 Luxus (G4)
D99, BB, BBF97:
D99 Black (G4)
D99 Standard trio
BBF97 Standard
Safety at Virå Bruk
We are continuesly working with safetyprecautions to prohibit accidents. However if anything were to happen we have multipel defibrillators and a stretcher. First aid kits are available on all shootingranges, the hunting store, the restaurant and in our company veichles. In the premesis and lakeside cottages we have fire extinguishers and blankets. As the cottages are situated in the outskirts of the estate we have boards with instructions how to get help there.
All employees are regurlary trained in CPR with defibrillator.