Virå Bruk hunting
We offer great hunting experiences in the deep forests and along the lakes and rivers that runs through the estate. Virå has one of Swedens eldest populations of Reddeer, wich we take alot of pride in managing and preserving. There are also a large number of Wildboar in the areas and some Moose, Fallowdeer and Rowdeer.
Depending on availability and season we offer driven hunts on deer and wildboar, driven Duck shoots and guided wildboar hunting.

Safety at Virå Bruk
We are continuesly working with safetyprecautions to prohibit accidents. However if anything were to happen we have multipel defibrillators and a stretcher. First aid kits are available on all shootingranges, the hunting store, the restaurant and in our company veichles. In the premesis and lakeside cottages we have fire extinguishers and blankets. As the cottages are situated in the outskirts of the estate we have boards with instructions how to get help there.
All employees are regurlary trained in CPR with defibrillator.