
Clay shooting

Shooting tunnels
We offer perfect conditions for practice shooting, regardless if you are an experienced hunter who wants to improve or a begginner who wants to learn.
In our shooting-cinema we practise with rifles and live ammunition on moving game filmed in their natural scenery. The system applies direct hit-indications wich results in an effective yet relaxed learningprocess.
Situated in the center of the hunting store lies our underground tunnels, 100 & 200m, perfect for zeroing rifles in a controlled enviroment.
Virå Sporting (3km away) offers claypigeon shooting. Here we have two locations with various stations. The Fort with 16 traps and the Towers with 8 high traps.
We also offer private lessons for small or big groups with active instruction.


Clay shooting

Shooting tunnels
Safety at Virå Bruk
We are continuesly working with safetyprecautions to prohibit accidents. However if anything were to happen we have multipel defibrillators and a stretcher. First aid kits are available on all shootingranges, the hunting store, the restaurant and in our company veichles. In the premesis and lakeside cottages we have fire extinguishers and blankets. As the cottages are situated in the outskirts of the estate we have boards with instructions how to get help there.
All employees are regurlary trained in CPR with defibrillator.
Information and bookning
For information about our Shooting-cinema, Clay Shooting or reservation please contact us.